I-QY Research isanda kukhipha umbiko omusha onesihloko esithi 2015-2026 Inductor Market Report, History and Forecast, enedatha yokuhlukaniswa komkhiqizi, isifunda esiyinhloko, uhlobo kanye nesicelo. Umbiko uhlanganiswa kusetshenziswa izindlela zocwaningo eziyisisekelo nesesibili ezinikeza ukuqonda okunembile nokunembile kwemakethe ye-inductor. Abahlaziyi basebenzisa izindlela ezisuka phansi nezisuka phansi ukuze bahlole lezi zingxenye zemakethe futhi benze ukuhlola okufanelekile komthelela wazo emakethe ye-inductor yomhlaba wonke. Umbiko unikeza umbono wemakethe, uchaza kafushane izimo zemakethe kanye nezigaba ezinkulu zemakethe. Iphinde yasho abadlali abaphambili emakethe ye-inductor yomhlaba.
Umbiko wocwaningo ngemakethe ye-inductor yomhlaba wonke uhlanganisa ukuhlaziywa kwe-SWOT kanye nokuhlaziywa kwamandla amahlanu kaPorter, okusiza ukuhlinzeka ngomkhondo onembile wemakethe. Lawa mathuluzi okulinganisa imakethe asiza ukuhlonza abashayeli, izithiyo, ubuthakathaka, amathuba emakethe ye-inductor nezinsongo. Umbiko wocwaningo uhlinzeka ngedatha yezimakethe zomhlaba kanye nedatha ezimakethe zesifunda nezigaba zemakethe.
Thola ikhophi yesampula ye-PDF yombiko ukuze uqonde ukwakheka kombiko ophelele: (okuhlanganisa ithebula eliphelele lokuqukethwe, uhlu lwamathebula namashadi, namashadi):
Umbiko uhlukanisa imboni ye-inductor yomhlaba wonke ibe izingxenye zemakethe njengezinhlobo zomkhiqizo kanye nezicelo. Ingxenye yemakethe ngayinye ihlolwa ngokusekelwe ezilinganisweni zokukhula kanye nesabelo. Ngaphezu kwalokho, umhlaziyi uphinde wafunda izindawo ezingase zibe usizo kubakhiqizi be-inductor eminyakeni embalwa ezayo. Ukuhlaziywa kwesifunda kufaka phakathi izibikezelo ezinokwethenjelwa zenani nenani, ngaleyo ndlela kusiza abahlanganyeli bemakethe ukuthi bathole imininingwane kuyo yonke imboni ye-inductor.
Ama-Air core inductors, ama-ferrite core inductors, ama-toroidal core inductors, ama-variable inductors, amanye ama-inductors
Wonke umhlanganyeli wemakethe kumele ajwayelene nesimo sokuncintisana semboni ye-inductor yomhlaba wonke. Ukuze kuhlangatshezwane nezidingo, abahlaziyi bezimboni bahlole imisebenzi yamasu yabaqhudelana nabo ukuze basize abadlali abakhulu bahlanganise izinyawo zabo emakethe futhi bathuthukise ukuncintisana kwabo.
Izinkampani ezinkulu ezisebenza emakethe ye-inductor yomhlaba wonke zifaka _, TDK, Murata, Vishay, Taiyo Yuden, Sagami Electric, Sumida, Kilixin, Mitsumi Electric, Shenzhen Microcap Technology, Delta Electronics, Sunlord Electronics, Panasonic, Kyocera, API Delevan, Wurth Elektronik, Littelfuse, Yageo, Coilcraft, Ice Components, Bel Fuse, Guangdong Fenghua High-Tech, Zhenhua Fu Electronics, Laird Technologies, Token, Johanson Technology, Bourns
Ayini amandla okukhula emakethe ye-inductor? Imaphi amasegimenti emakethe yomkhiqizo azoba nesabelo esikhulu kunazo zonke? Yiziphi izimakethe zesifunda ezizoba ngabagijimi abaphambili eminyakeni embalwa ezayo? Imaphi amasegimenti ohlelo lokusebenza azokhula ngenani eliqinile? Yimaphi amathuba okukhula angavela embonini ye-inductor eminyakeni embalwa ezayo? Yiziphi izinselelo ezinkulu imakethe ye-inductor engase ibhekane nazo ngokuzayo? Yiziphi izinkampani ezihamba phambili emakethe ye-inductor yomhlaba? Yiziphi izitayela eziyinhloko ezinomthelela omuhle ekukhuleni kwemakethe? Ibaphi abadlali becebo lokukhula abalicabangela ukugcina isikhundla esiphambili emakethe ye-inductor yomhlaba?
1 Uhlolojikelele lwemakethe ye-Inductor 1.1 Uhlolojikelele lomkhiqizo we-Inductor 1.2 Ukuhlukaniswa kwemakethe ye-Inductor ngohlobo 1.2.1 Ama-air core inductors 1.2.2 Ama-Ferrite core inductors 1.2.3 Ama-Toroidal core inductors 1.2.4 Ama-variable inductors 1.2.5 Amanye ama-inductor 1 usayizi wemakethe yomhlaba wonke 1. .2 200 .1 Uhlolojikelele losayizi wemakethe ye-inductor yomhlaba ngohlobo (2015-2026) 1.3.2 Ukubuyekezwa kosayizi wemakethe yomlando we-inductor yomhlaba ngohlobo ( (2015-2020) Ingxenye Yesabelo Semakethe Yokuthengisa Ye-Global Inductor Ngohlobo (2015- 2019 2026) Ingxenye Yengxenye Yemakethe Yokuthengisa Ye-Global Inductor Ngohlobo (2021 (-2026) I-Global Inductor Revenue Market Isabelo Ngohlobo (2021-2026) Intengo Emaphakathi Yokuthengisa Inductor (ASP) ngohlobo (2021)- 1 Ukuhlukaniswa kokuthengiswa kwe-inductor yase-Pacific (2015-2020) 1.4.4 Ukuhlukaniswa kokuthengiswa kwe-inductor yase-Latin America ngohlobo (2015-2020) 1.4.5 Ukwehlukaniswa kokuthengiswa kwe-inductor yaseMpumalanga Ephakathi ne-Afrika ngohlobo (2015-2020) 2 Ukuncintisana Kwemakethe Ye-Global Inductor Yenkampani 2.1 Global Abadlali Abaphezulu Ngokuthengiswa Kwe-Inductor (2015-2020) 2.2 I-Global Top Players by Inductor Revenue (2015) -2020) 2.3 I-Global Top Top Manufacturers' Average Price Price of Inductors (ASP) (2015-2020) 2.4 Ukusatshalaliswa, indawo yokuthengisa, kanye nomkhiqizo izinhlobo zezisekelo zokukhiqiza ze-inductor zabakhiqizi abahamba phambili emhlabeni 2.5 Isimo sokuncintisana nezimakethe ze-Inductor 2.5.1 Ukugxiliswa kwemakethe ye-Inductor (2015-2020)) 2.5.2 2019 Abakhiqizi abahamba phambili emhlabeni aba-5 nabangu-10 ngokuthengiswa kwe-inductor nemali engenayo yonyaka 2.6 Abaphezulu abakhiqizi bomhlaba wonke ngokohlobo lwenkampani (isigaba 1, isigaba 2, kanye nesigaba 3) (kusekelwe emalini engenayo ye-inductor kusukela ngo-2019) 2.7 Usuku lwabakhiqizi abakhulu abangena emakethe ye-inductor 2.8 Imikhiqizo ye-Ke y Inductor ehlinzekwa abakhiqizi 2.9 Ngokuhlukaniswa kwesifunda kwe-M&A kanye Nokwandiswa 3 Global Inductors (2015-2026) 3.1 Usayizi Wemakethe Yomhlaba Wonke kanye ne-CAGR ngokweSifunda: 2015 VS 2020 VS 2026 3.2 Usayizi Wemakethe Ye-Global Inductor 15-2020 Ukwabelana Kwemakethe Ngesifunda (2015- 2020) 1 2015-2020) 3.2.2 Global Inductor Revenue Market Share by Region (2015-2020) 3.2.3 Global Inductor Sales, Revenue, Price Kanye ne-gross profit margin (2015-2020) 3.3 Global Inductor Usayizi Wemakethe Ngesabelo Semakethe Yesifunda (2021- 2026) 3.3.1 Isabelo Semakethe Yokuthengiswa Kwe-Global Inductor Ngesifunda (2021-2026) 3.3.2 Ngesifunda Semakethe Yemali Engenayo I-Global Inductor Isabelo Ngokuhlukana (2021-2026) 3.3.3 I-Global Inductor Sales, Revenue, Price kanye ne-Gross Margin (2021- 4 VS 2020 VS 2026 4.3 I-Global Industry Inductors by Application Historical Sales (2015-2020) 4.4 I-Forecast Global Inductor Sales by Application (2021-2026) 4.5 Usayizi Wemakethe Ye-Inductor Ezifundeni Eziyinhloko Ngokusebenzisa 4.5.1 Ama-inductors aseNyakatho Melika ngo-2 Isicelo 4. Ukusebenzisa I-European Inductors Ngokufaka Isicelo 4.5.3 Izicelo Ze-Inductor yase-Asia-Pacific Ngokufaka Isicelo 4.5.4 Izicelo Ze-Inductor e-Latin America 4.5.5 Izicelo Ze-Inductor EMpumalanga Ephakathi nase-Afrika 5 Usayizi Wemakethe Ye-Inductor YaseNyakatho Melika (2015-2026) 5.1 Usayizi Wemakethe YaseNyakatho Melika Isabelo Semakethe (2015- 2020) 5.1.1 Isabelo semakethe yokuthengisa ye-inductor yaseNyakatho Melika ngezwe/isifunda (2015-2020) 5.1.2 Isabelo semakethe yemali engenayo ye-inductor yaseNyakatho Melika ngezwe/isifunda (2015-2020) 5.2 Usayizi wemakethe yaseNyakatho Melika ngezwe /isifunda Isabelo Semakethe (2021-2026) 5.2.1 Isabelo Semakethe Yokuthengisa Ye-Inductor YaseNyakatho Melika ngezwe/Isifunda (2021-2026) 5.2.2 Isabelo Semakethe Yemali Engenayo YaseNyakatho Melika Isabelo ngezwe/Isifunda (2021-2026) 6 Ngezwe/ IYurophu Usayizi Wemakethe Ye-Inductor Ngesifunda (2015-2026) 6.1 Usayizi Wemakethe YaseYurophu Ngezwe/Isifunda Isabelo Semakethe (2015-2020) 6.1.1 Isabelo Semakethe Yokuthengisa Yama-European Inductors Ngezwe/Isifunda (2015-2020) 6.1.2 Isabelo Semakethe Yemali Engenayo YaseYurophu by Izwe/Isifunda (201 5-2020) 6.2 Isabelo semakethe sikasayizi wemakethe yaseYurophu ngezwe/isifunda (2021-2026) 6.2.1 Isabelo semakethe yokuthengisa yaseYurophu ngezwe/isifunda (2021-2026) 6.2.2 I-Europe ngezwe I-Inductor Revenue Isabelo Semakethe (2021-2026) 7 Ubukhulu beMakethe ye-Asia-Pacific Inductor ngokweSifunda (2015-2026) 7.1 Ubukhulu beMakethe yase-Asia-Pacific ngesabelo Semakethe Yesifunda (2015-2020) 7.1.1 ngesabelo semakethe sokuthengisa seSifunda sase-Asia-Pacific (2015 -2020) 7.1.2 Isabelo semakethe yemali engenayo ye-Asia-Pacific inductor ngokwesifunda (2015-2020) 7.2 isabelo semakethe yemakethe yase-Asia-Pacific ngesifunda (2021-2026) 7.2.1 ngesifunda I-Asia Pacific Inductor Sales Market Share by Region (2021) -2026) 7.2.2 Isabelo Semakethe Yemali Engenayo Yase-Asia Pacific Ngesifunda (2021-2026) 8 Usayizi Wemakethe Ye-Latin America Inductor ngezwe (2015-2026) ) 8.1 Latin America Ubukhulu Bemakethe Isabelo Ngezwe/Isifunda (2015-2020) 8.1 .1 Isabelo Semakethe Yokudayisa I-Latin America Inductor ngezwe/Isifunda (2015-2020) 8.1.2 I-Latin America Inductor Revenue M ngesabelo Semakethe ngezwe/Isifunda (2015-2020) 8.2 Isabelo Semakethe Se-Latin America Usayizi Wemakethe Ngezwe/Isifunda ( 2021-2026) 8.2.1 Isabelo Semakethe Sokuthengiswa Kwe-Inductor eLatin America by Country/Region (2021-2026) 8.2.2 Latin America Inductor Revenue Market Share by Country/Region (2021-2026) 9 Middle East and Africa Inductor Market size by Izwe/Isifunda (2015-2026) 9.1 Ngezwe/Isifunda IMpumalanga Ephakathi kanye ne-Afrika Ubukhulu Bemakethe Isabelo Semakethe (2015-2020) 9.1.1 Isabelo Semakethe Yokuthengisa EMpumalanga Ephakathi Nese-Afrika Ngezwe/Isifunda (2015-2020) 9.1.2 Middle East and Africa Inductor Revenue Market Share by Country (2015-2020) 9.2 Middle East and Africa share market by country (2021-2026) 9.2.1 Middle East and Africa inductor sales market share by country (2021-2026) 9.2.2 Isifunda sase-Middle East kanye nesifunda sase-Afrika Isabelo Semakethe Yemali Engenayo (2021-2026) 10 Iphrofayela Yenkampani kanye Nemininingwane Ebalulekile Yebhizinisi Lokungeniswa (2015-2020) 10.1 .4 Imikhiqizo ye-inductor ye-DK ehlinzekwe yi-T 10.1.5 Ukuthuthukiswa kwakamuva kwe-TDK 10.2 Murata 10.2.1 Ulwazi lwe-Mu Rata Corporation 10.2.2 Incazelo ye-Murata, ukubuka konke kwebhizinisi 10.2.3 Ukuthengiswa kwe-Murata Inductors, imali engenayo kanye nesamba senzuzo (2015-2020) 10.2.4 TDK Inductors. Ukuthuthukiswa kwakamuva kwama-inductors e-TDK anikezwe ngo-2015-2020. 10.3 Vishay 10.3.1 Ulwazi lwenkampani ye-Vishay 10.3.2 Incazelo ye-Vishay, ukubuka konke kwebhizinisi 10.3.3 Ukuthengiswa kwe-Vishay inductor, imali engenayo kanye ne-gross profit margin (2015-2020) 10.3.4 I-Vishay inductor yomkhiqizo enikeza 10.3.5 ulwazi lokuthuthukiswa kwe-Vishay. Ulwazi Lwentuthuko Yakamuva ye-Vishay 10.104 YudenyoTaiden Yudenyoden .4.2 Incazelo ye-Taiyo Yuden, Uhlolojikelele Lwebhizinisi 10.4.3 I-Taiyo Yuden Inductors Inductors Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020) 10.4.4 Taiyo Yuden Inductors Products. .5.1 Ulwazi lwe-Sagami.52 Incazelo ye-Corporation Elec kanye nohlolojikelele lwebhizinisi 10.5.3 I-Sagami Elec Inductors yokuthengisa, imali engenayo kanye ne-gross margin (2015-2020) 10.5.4 ts inikezwe i-Sagami Elec Inductors Product 10.5.5 Ukuthuthukiswa kwakamuva kwe-Sagami Electric 10.6 Sum 2 Incazelo ye-Chilisin, ukubuka konke kwebhizinisi 10.7.3 Ukuthengiswa kwe-Chilisin inductor, imali engenayo kanye ne-gross margin (2015-2020) 10.7.4 Umkhiqizo we-Chilisin inductor ohlinzeka 10.7.5 Ulwazi lwentuthuko yakamuva ye-Chilisin. I-Mitsumi Electric Corporation 1108. 8.2 Incazelo kanye nesifingqo sebhizinisi se-Mitsumi Electric 10.8.3 Ukuthengisa, imali engenayo kanye nenzuzo ephelele ye-Mitsumi Electric Inductor (2015-2020) 10.8.4 Mitsumi Electric Inductor umkhiqizo ohlinzeka ngo-10.8.5 III Ukuthuthukiswa kwakamuva kwe-Meidian 10.9 I-Shenzhen Microcap Technology 10.9.1 Shenzhen Microcap Technology Co., Ltd. ulwazi 10.9.2 Incazelo ye-Shenzhen Microcap Technology, Uhlolojikelele Lwebhizinisi 10.9.3 I-Shenzhen Mike Rogate Technology Inductors Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020) 10.9.4 Imikhiqizo ye-Inductance enikeziwe ngu-Shenzhen Microcap Technology 10.9.5 Ukuthuthukiswa kwakamuva kwe-Shenzhen Microcap Technology 10. 10 Delta Electronics 10.10.1 Ulwazi Oluyisisekelo Lwenkampani, Isisekelo Sokukhiqiza kanye Neziqhudelana 10.10.2 Isigaba somkhiqizo we-Inductor, Isicelo kanye Nemininingwane I-Price and Gross Margin (2015-2020) 10.10.4 Uhlolojikelele lwebhizinisi eliyinhloko 10.10.5 Ukuthuthukiswa kwakamuva kwe-Delta Electronics 10.11 Sunlord Electronics 10.11.1 Ulwazi lwenkampani ye-Sunlord Electronics 10.11.2 Incazelo ye-Sunlord Electronics, ukuthengiswa kwebhizinisi11 I-Sunlord Electronics 10. imali engenayo kanye ne-gross profit margin (2015- 2020) 10.11.4 Imikhiqizo ye-sunlord electronic inductor inikeza 10.11.5 ukuthuthukiswa kwakamuva kwe-Sunlord 10.12 Panasonic 10.12.1 Ulwazi lwenkampani ye-Panasonic 10.12.2 Incazelo ye-Panasonic, ukuthengiswa komkhiqizo we-Panasonic kagesi uhlolojikelele3 ukuthengiswa komkhiqizo we-Panasonic kagesi 10.12. kanye ne-gross profit margin ( 2015-202 0) 10.12.4 Imikhiqizo ye-Panasonic inductor ehlinzekiwe 10.12.5 Ukuthuthukiswa kwakamuva kwe-Panasonic 10.13 Kyocera 10.13.1 Ulwazi lwenkampani yase-Kyocera 10.13.2 Incazelo ye-Kyocera, uhlolojikelele lwemali yokuthengisa i-3s Kyorace 10. ( 2015-2020 Imikhiqizo ye-Kyocera inductor) 10.13.1 Imikhiqizo ye-Kyocera.13.5 Ukuthuthukiswa kwakamuva kwe-Kyocera 10.14 API Delevan 10.14.1 Ulwazi lwenkampani ye-API Delevan 10.14.2 Incazelo ye-API Delevan, uhlolojikelele lwemali yokuthengisa ye-Groprofit Delevan 10.14.3 (2015-2020) 10.14.4 API Delevan umkhiqizo quotation. 14.4 API Delevan Inductors API Delevan Inductors ukuthuthukiswa kwakamuva 10.15 Wurth Elektronik 10.15.1 Wurth Elektronik Corporation Ulwazi 10.15.2 Wurth Elektronik incazelo, uhlolojikelele lwebhizinisi 10.15.3 Wurth Elektronik inductor sales , 2 Elektronik 2 lektronik Wurth I-Elektronik 10.15.2 Umkhiqizo we-Wurth Elektronik osanda kuthuthukiswa i-Littelfuse 10.16.1 Ulwazi lwenkampani ye-Littelfuse 10.16.2 Incazelo ye-Littelfuse, umbono wokugcina webhizinisi 10.16.3 I-Littelfuse inductor sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2016) I-Littelfuse Inductors.1 16.5 Intuthuko yakamuva ye-Littelfuse 10.17 YAGEO 10.17.1 YAGEO Corporation Ulwazi 10.17.2 Imali engenayo ye-YAGEO kanye Uhlolojikelele lweBhizinisi 17 Isamba senzuzo ye-YAGEO (2015-2020) 10.17.4 I-Yageo inductor 5 Imikhiqizo yakamuva ye-Yageoil18 i-Yageoil10 inikezwe yi-Yageoil10 yakamuva 10.18 .1 Ulwazi lwe-Coilcraft Corporation 10.18.2 Incazelo ye-Coilcraft, uhlolojikelele lwebhizinisi 10.18.3 Ukuthengiswa kwe-Coilcraft inductor, imali engenayo kanye nenzuzo ephelele ka-2010 2018 (10.18) 4 Imikhiqizo ye-Coilcraft inductor ehlinzekiwe 10.18.5 Ukuthuthukiswa kwe-Coilcraft kwakamuva 10.110 I-Ice Components 19 I-Ice Components. .2 Incazelo Yezingxenye Zeqhwa, Uhlolojikelele Lwebhizinisi 10.19.3 Ukuthengiswa Kwezingxenye Zeqhwa, Imali Engenayo Ne-Gross Margin (2015-2020) 10.19.4 I-Ice Components Umkhiqizo Onikelwe 10.19.5 I-Ice Components Ukuthuthukiswa Kwakamuva 10.20 I-Bel Fuse 10. 201 I-Bel Fuse Corporation 201. .2 Incazelo ye-B el Fuse, ukubuka konke kwebhizinisi 10.20.3 I-Bel Fuse Inductors Sales, Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020) 10.20.4 Imikhiqizo ye-Bel Fuse Inductors Ehlinzekwayo 10.20.5 Bel Fuse Ukuthuthukiswa Kwakamuva 10.21 Guangdong 1 1 Ulwazi Oluthuthukisiwe 1 I-Guangdong Fenghua. ye-Guangdong Fenghua Advanced Technology Co., Ltd. 10. 21.2 Incazelo kanye nesifingqo sebhizinisi se-Guangdong Fenghua Hi-Tech 10.21.3 Ukuthengisa, imali engenayo kanye nesamba semalijini yenzuzo ye-Guangdong Fenghua Hi-Tech inductors (2015-2020) 4huadong Fengdong 10.21 Fengdong Imikhiqizo ye-Hi-Tech inductor inikeza 10.21 .5 Ukuthuthukiswa kwakamuva kwe-Guangdong Fenghua Hi-Tech 10.22 Zhenhua Fu Electronics 10. 22.1 I-Zhenhua Fu Electronics Ulwazi Lwenkampani 10.22.2 Incazelo ye-Zhenhua Fu Electronics, Uhlolojikelele lweBhizinisi I-Revenue Fules 10.22.3 I-Gross Margin (2015- 2020) 10.22.4 Imikhiqizo ye-inductor ye-Zhenhua Fu Electronics ihlinzeka ngo-10.22.5 I-Zhenhua Fu Electronics isanda kuthuthukiswa ubuchwepheshe be-air 10.23 technology 10.23.1 Laird Technologies Corporation Inf ormation 10.23.2 business overinductor3. ukuthengisa, imali engenayo kanye nesamba senzuzo yemalijini (2015-2020) 10.23.4 I-Laird Technologies inductor yomkhiqizo enikeza 10.23.5 Intuthuko yakamuva ye-Laird Technologies 10.24 ithokheni 10.24.1 ulwazi lwenkampani ye-Coin 10.24, incazelo yebhizinisi i-inductor yemali engenayo, incazelo yebhizinisi 24.3 Ithokheni i-gross margin (2015-2020) 10.24.4 Imikhiqizo ye-token inductor enikeziwe 10.24.5 Ithokheni ukuthuthukiswa kwakamuva 10.25 Johnson Technology 10.25. 1 Johanson Technology Information Company 10.5.2 Johanson Technology Description, Technical Description, Johanson Technology Sales 30. Revenue and Gross Margin (2015-2020) 10.25.4 Johanson Technology Inductors Products Offering 10.25.5 Johanson Technology Recent Development 10.201 Bourns2 Bourns Ulwazi Lwenkampani 10.26.2 Incazelo ye-Bourns, ukubuka konke kwebhizinisi 10.26.3 I-Margin, imali engenayo kanye nokuthengiswa kwama-Gro20s 2020) 10.26.4 I-Bourns Inductors Imikhiqizo Ehlinzekwayo 10.26.5 Intuthuko ye-Bourns yakamuva11 Ukwethulwa komfula, amathuba, izinselele, ubungozi kanye nomthelela 11. 11.1.1 Impahla esetshenziswayo esemqoka 11.1.2 Intengo yezinto ezisetshenziswayo ezibalulekile 11.1.3 Abahlinzeki abakhulu bempahla 11.2 Isakhiwo sezindleko zokukhiqiza 11.2.1 Impahla esetshenziswayo 11.2.2 Izindleko zabasebenzi 11.2.2 Izindleko 11.3 Ukuhlaziya iketanga 1 Imboni yemakethe. amathuba , Izinselele, ubungozi kanye nokuhlaziywa kwezinto ezinomthelela 11.4.1 Izimo zemboni yabakhiqizi 11.4.2 Izici zokushayela imakethe ye-Inductor 11.4.3 Izinselelo zemakethe yama-Inductor 11.4.4 Ukuhlaziywa kwamandla amahlanu kaPorter 12 Isu lemakethe Ukuhlaziywa kweshaneli yokusabalalisa abasabalalisi 12.12 Ikhasimende 13 Imiphumela Yocwaningo Nesiphetho 14 Isithasiselo 14.1 Indlela Yokusebenza/Indlela Yocwaningo 14.1.1 Uhlelo Locwaningo/Idizayini 14.1.2 Isilinganiso Sosayizi Wemakethe 14.1.3 Ukuhlukaniswa Kwemakethe Nokwehlukaniswa Kwedatha 14.2 Umthombo Wedatha 1 Umthombo Wesibili 1 Umthombo Wokuzihlangula 12 Omkhulu 1. Imininingwane yombhali 14.4
I-QYResearch yasungulwa ngo-2007 njengenkampani yocwaningo futhi manje isithuthuke yaba uphawu oluthenjwayo ezimbonini eziningi. Iminyaka eminingi, sizibophezele ekuhlinzekeni izixazululo ezenziwe ngezifiso zekhwalithi ephezulu kumakhasimende anhlobonhlobo kusukela ku-ICT kuya embonini yezokunakekelwa kwempilo. Sinamakhasimende anelisekile angaphezu kuka-50,000 emazweni angaphezu kuka-80, futhi silwela ngobuqotho ukunikeza ukuhlaziya okungcono kakhulu kusetshenziswa izindlela zocwaningo ezinemininingwane.
Isikhathi sokuthumela: Dec-08-2021