
CARY, NC, June 8, 2015 /PRNewswire/ — I-Paumanok Publications, I-Industrial Market Research ikhiphe umbiko omusha wocwaningo lwemakethe onesihloko esithi “Inductors, Beads and Cores: World Markets , Technologies and Opportunities: 2015-2020 ISBN #1-893211-99 -1 (2015)” kumakethe yomhlaba wonke yama-inductors ahlukene, ubuhlalu be-ferrite nama-ferrite cores ngo-FY 2015. Lesi ngesinye sezihloko eziyinhloko nezidume kakhulu zika-Paumanok futhi simele umphumela wokuqoqwa kwedatha okubanzi ngesihloko sezingxenye kazibuthe. Ucwaningo luhlola ukuthi kungani imakethe yomhlaba wonke yama-inductors ahlukene yasebenza ngaphezu kwezinye izingxenye ze-passive ngo-2015, nokuthi kungani kulindeleke ukuthi lesi simo siqhubeke.Ucwaningo luphinde ludingide umthelela we-yen ebuthakathaka kanye nedola eliqinile emakethe yamanje.Ucwaningo luqala nge-global global. Uhlolojikelele lwemakethe oluchaza iqoqo ngalinye lemakethe yezingxenye kazibuthe yomhlaba wonke, kulandelwa umbono wobuchwepheshe okhuluma nge-inductor, ubuhlalu, nezinto ezibalulekile kanye nokuhlelwa kwengxenye, kulandelwa ukuhlaziya okuningiliziwe kwemakethe yomhlaba wonke okubandakanya inani, ivolumu, kanye nezinhlobo nokucushwa kwe-inductors yentengo, ubuhlalu. kanye nama-cores.Ihlukanisa isidingo sama-inductors sibe izingxenye ezincane zemakethe ngayinye (ubuhlalu be-ferrite nokuhlelwa kobuhlalu;amakhoyili we-chip;ama-chips eplastiki yecala;Amakhoyili esilonda se-SMD;ama-axial lead inductors, ama-radial lead inductors nama-ferrite cores).Imakethe Yomkhiqizo Wokugcina ngo-2020 inikeza ukuhlaziywa okunemininingwane kanye nesibikezelo seminyaka emihlanu sokusetshenziswa yizifunda zomhlaba kanye nezingxenye zomkhiqizo wokugcina;okuhlanganisa kusukela kumafoni aphathwayo angenantambo, amakhompuyutha, izimoto, omabonakude, nezinye izingxenye zokusetshenziswa kochwepheshe kanye nezindawo zabathengi kanye Nezindawo Zobungcweti - Isidingo salezi zingxenye kazibuthe ezimakethe zomkhiqizo wokuvikela, wezokwelapha nokwethembeka okuphezulu. Ihlinzeka ngobuhlakani obuphelele bemakethe kanye nesabelo idatha yabakhiqizi abaphezulu abangama-34, ubuhlalu kanye nabakhiqizi abayinhloko. Lolu cwaningo luhlanganisa nezibikezelo ezinemininingwane mayelana nenani, umthamo, namanani entengo ngesegimenti yokusetshenziswa kokuphela, izimakethe ezibalulekile zomkhiqizo wokugcina, kanye nohlobo lwesici sokuzwa nokucushwa ku-2020. Ithebula lokuqukethwe lohlu oluphelele lokuqukethwe, amathebula nokucushwa.ishadi.Ishicilelwe ngoJuni 2015.182 amakhasi.44 amathebula namagrafu.34 Iphrofayili Yomkhiqizi.ISBN #1-893211-99-1 (2015).


Kushicilelwe: Juni 2015 Intengo: $2,750.00 Amakhasi: 182 Amathebula Nezibalo: 44ISBN #1-893211-99-1 (2015) © 2015 Paumanok Publications, Inc. Wonke Amalungelo Agodliwe

Isikhathi sokuthumela: Jan-21-2022